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What health services are offered?

The Health & Counseling Center is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday while the College is in session. Medical Practitioner visits are available by appointment by calling our office at (315) 279-5368, emailing [email protected], or stopping in. Students can be seen for the same types of illnesses that your regular primary care provider would see, such as, sore throats, urinary tract infections, sprains and strains, skin infections, sexually transmitted infections, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, allergy shots, and birth control issues.

Students should bring their health insurance card with them when they come in for their appointments. Students’ health insurance is billed for service through our collaborative healthcare partners, Finger Lakes Health. When the Center is closed, alternate care options can be found on our website. In case of a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 for assistance.